These 7 Shampoos and Conditioners Make My Fine Hair Look Deceptively Thicker

I’ll clue you in on one of the best hair-growth tips I ever learned from stylists and trichologists: Fuller hair starts in the shower. Slap it on a billboard, recite it nightly, or do whatever you can to commit the phrase to memory. Let’s face it—you can collect all the scalp-stimulating serums and fancy tools you please, but if you don’t start with a good, high-quality wash, you just won’t see peak results. It’s similar logic to washing your face. You can’t expect all those juicy serums to penetrate your pores without a clean canvas!

Grab a shampoo and conditioner spiked with strengthening actives, such as biotin, and you can kick-start the hair-thickening process right under the spray. Supplementing with biotin is a bit murky, I’ll admit, but experts generally agree that topical products like shampoo and conditioner are safe to use regularly. I personally find them to be a godsend.

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