Can This Popular Skincare Ingredient Help Grow Your Hair? Here’s What Experts Say

If you struggle to grow your hair out or with hair loss, trust me, you’re not alone. Finding the right tools for your specific hair type can be tough and there are so many potential options out there that it’s overwhelming. If solutions like hair-strengthening vitamins or serums haven’t done the trick for you, though, I recently learned that there’s another popular ingredient entering the chat.

I’m sure by now you’re familiar with peptides and the various benefits they can offer when it comes to skincare, but did you know they can also be beneficial to your hair? No? I didn’t either. According to experts, peptides can promote healthier hair growth and may even help decrease hair thinning or loss. If this piques your interest, you’re going to want to keep reading. I asked experts to dive into the topic of hair peptides with me and, spoiler alert: They had a lot to share.

What are peptides?