

Russia’s Poltava Attack is a Double Disaster for Ukraine

  • September 3, 2024

EXCLUSIVE REPORTING — The year’s worst attack against Ukraine raises a pair of difficult questions for Ukraine and its supporters in the West. Why wasn’t a military target more secure? And why won’t the U.S. and other countries drop restrictions on how Ukraine uses their military aid? Access all of...


UAE pardons 57 Bangladeshis jailed for anti-Hasina protests

  • September 3, 2024

The Bangladeshi nationals were sentenced to long prison terms for protesting against the unrest in their home country. The president of the United Arab Emirates has pardoned 57 Bangladeshi citizens jailed for holding protests in the Gulf country against their own government. The decision, announced on Tuesday, by President Sheikh...


Cathay Pacific grounds planes after engine problem

  • September 3, 2024

Hong Kong’s flagship airline Cathay Pacific has cancelled tens of flights after a plane heading from the city to Zurich was forced to turn around due to an “engine component failure”. The company says it has now inspected all 48 of its Airbus A350s and found 15 aircraft with faulty...