Creators of ‘Blood of Zeus’ Address Potential Future of Show Beyond Season 3

Picture: Blood of Zeus – Netflix

The long-anticipated second season of Blood of Zeus just landed on Netflix. However, series creators Charley and Vlas Parlapanides recently addressed the show’s future beyond season 3.

Blood of Zeus is an animated Netflix Original series created by Charley and Vlas Parlapanides. The story is an original take on beloved Greek mythology centered on the original character of Heron, a mortal man who learns his true heritage as the son of Zeus.

In a recent interview with the series creators, we learned what the future might hold for Blood of Zeus beyond season 3 and what project the show’s creators are lining up next.

Will we get a fourth or even fifth season of Blood of Zeus?

If the creators have their way, there is every chance we’ll see up to five seasons of Blood of Zeus. In our interview with Charley and Vlas Parlapanides, Charley had the following to say;

“The thing is, though, and I will just say very quickly, that the goal Jacob was always, if we get to do five seasons, there was never an apocalypse or an end-of-day story in Greek Mythology. It didn’t really exist, there’s no Ragnarok, no end of days, and I also think that back then, Christianity so quickly overtook the religion that it was never completed.

So the original pitch was that we eventually get to a know Ragnarok end-time story by the end of season five, and then it’s just a question of whether we’ll be afforded the opportunity to get there. We’ll see, but it’s the idea of, like, what happens, you know, to the gods and how their world came to an end.”

– Charley Parlapanides

Charley and Vlas working on ‘Medusa’

Our interview with Charley and Vlas revealed that the pair are hard at work writing a new series based on the infamous ancient Greek villain, the Gorgon Medusa.

They gave some insight into what audiences can expect from the story of Medusa;

“She’s not a villain! She uses her power to get revenge and get justice. She’s able to transform, and it’s more like the Hulk. She can become the Medusa Gorgon when she needs that power for revenge, not because she’s been cursed but because, if you’re familiar with that story, Athena punishes her because the temple got desecrated and she got attacked. That’s not cool. Really, Athena should be on her side. So, instead, she [Athena] gives her [Medusa] this ability as a weapon and not as a punishment.

Could we tell the original story of Medusa? Yeah, of course. But no one wants to buy that, and no one is willing to pay for that! So, you’ve got to put spins on things to get people engaged.

– Charley Parlapanides

However, it was clarified that Medusa is not set in stone just yet. Charley revealed that Netflix will greenlight the series based on the performance of the second season of Blood of Zeus;

“We want everyone to watch and tell their friends, parents, cousins, and everyone else to watch. Because if we get a certain viewership number, Netflix will green-light a Medusa project that we have. It’s an epic story. For us, one of the most iconic Greek mythological figures. So, if people want to see that show and if they’re going to see more seasons of Blood of Zeus, I hope that they turn out and watch in full force.”

– Charley Parlapanides.

Is Medusa connected to Blood of Zeus?

When our interview was conducted, Charley and Vlas couldn’t confirm that Medusa is connected to the Blood of Zeus series.

However, in an interview with Beyond the Trailer, Vlas confirmed what we knew so far that if Blood of Zeus season 2 meets its viewership goal, then Netflix will greenlight Medusa, but he also followed it up with the reveal that some of the gods seen in Blood of Zeus, will feature in Medusa;

“If we get the viewership, the eyeballs necessary, Netflix will greenlight our Medusa show. We have a great great way into that story, and a Medusa show, that would be epic and we would see alot of the gods that we love here in that show.”

-Vlas Parlapanides

Who is Medusa?

A legendary figure of Greek mythology, Medusa is one of the ancient world’s greatest monsters and one of the most misunderstood.

While scholars debate the origins of Medusa, she was a beautiful young maiden who caught the attention of the gods, particularly Poseidon. The god of the sea assaulted her in Athena’s temple, desecrating the hallowed ground. Thanks to Poseidon’s position in the Greek pantheon, Athena could not punish him, so instead, she punished Medusa despite being the victim. Athena turned the beautiful maiden into a terrifying monster, unable to stare at anyone in the eye without turning them into stone.

Blood Of Zeus Creators Workin On Medusa Statue

Picture: A statue of Perseus holding the head of Medusa

Perseus, the son of Zeus, was tasked with retrieving Medusa’s head as a wedding gift for Polydectes and was assisted by his half-siblings and gods Athena and Hermes. With their help, Perseus acquired the items he needed to slay the Gorgon, infiltrated the lair of the Gorgons, and successfully beheaded Medusa.

Even with the head stricken from her body, if anyone were to gaze upon the severed head they would be turned to stone.

Would you like to see Medusa on Netflix? Let us know in the comments below!

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