I Have Perfected the Art of a Sunday Reset Beauty Routine—Here’s My Editor-Approved Regimen

The Sunday reset beauty routine (a term coined by beauty buffs on TikTok, of course) is essentially an excuse to indulge in some beauty self-care for the week ahead—something many of us have been doing for decades. From an extensive skincare routine to body treatments, nothing is off the cards. And while the popularity of a Sunday reset has reached new heights on social media in recent months, it’s something I have practised for many years. While I appreciate that the idea of putting a lengthy amount of time aside on a Sunday for superfluous beauty treatments might seem far-fetched to many, I’m a hard advocate for it.

As a beauty editor, my Sunday reset routine might be seriously hard graft—I’m counting 13 different steps, from cleansing balms and moisturising to body scrubbing and hair masking—but I know that setting the time aside once a week will save me heaps of time in the days ahead. And don’t get me wrong, some Sundays I do just lie in bed and while away the day eating croissants, but on the weekends when I am full of new-week energy, I like to spoil myself. Beyond the fact it helps me get on top of my beauty admin, I also see it as a chance to practise some mindful self-care, too.

What Are the Benefits of a Sunday Reset Beauty Routine?

“Body care routines and rituals done on a Sunday can help get us ready for the week ahead, feeling more balanced and energised”, says Dr Alexis Granite, consultant dermatologist and founder of Joonbyrd. And this is definitely one of the main reasons I dedicate most Sundays to this.