Summer House Season 8, Episode 12 Recap: We’re On a Boat!

Summer House Season 8, Episode 12 Recap: We’re On a Boat!

Welcome to the Summer House Season 8, Episode 12 recap! In this week’s episode, titled “Rocking the Boat,” Jesse’s worried that his cancer may be back, just a few days before his five-year checkup. Carl confides in Kyle that there was a lot more to the conversation with his parents than what he shared with Lindsay, and “it’s bad.” A psychic critic reading tells Amanda that she needs to decide “how the future looks to you,” but when she tries to share her dream with Kyle, he thinks she’s abandoning Loverboy and loses his cool. Here are the highlights from Summer House Season 8, Episode 12.

Carl and Lindsay make peace — for now

Photo Credit: Clifton Prescod/Bravo

Episode 12 picks right up where we left off last week, with Carl coming clean to Lindsay about the conversation with his parents. Lindsay’s confused. She says her parents would NEVER say anything negative about someone she was going to marry because it’s her decision, and they’d follow her lead.

But I also see Carl’s parents’ point. His parents see some huge red flags, and they can’t in good conscience let Carl enter into a marriage that’s obviously doomed from the onset without expressing their concerns. Plus, he confided in them.

When the not-so-happy couple returns to the dinner table, the silence is deafening. Everybody wants to hear what’s going on. But Lindsay’s not sharing and deflects to the psychic who’s coming tonight.

Jesse worries about his five-year checkup

Jesse’s a little bit in his head this weekend cause he’s going for his five-year cancer check on Tuesday. “Typically, it’s not in my nature to be vulnerable about sad, scary things,” he interviews. “But two weeks ago, I felt something on my nut, and I was just, like, ‘Oh, f*ck! I have cancer again.’”

It’s weighing on him, but he doesn’t want to worry everyone. Fingers crossed, it’s nothing. Prayers, dude. I wouldn’t wish cancer on anyone.

Meanwhile, Kyle and West think he’s pouting because Ciara called him a “trashbag” at dinner. Ciara thinks he’s a player since he dates so many girls, trying to find the “right one.”

“He’s acting like his goldfish died,” they laugh. They’re gonna feel really bad when they find out why he was so quiet.

Some spot-on predictions

Paige DeSorbo in a gold dress during a Summer House Season 8 confessional interview; she's pointing her finger in an passionate gesture
Photo Credit: Bravo via YouTube

Tonight’s entertainment is provided by a psychic. Kyle is first up. After dealing the tarot cards, she says that Kyle’s past and present are represented by the “fire” card. But his future is all about temperance. Oooooh! Does that mean he’s going to settle down and stop partying so much? It’s time to “send it” to the suburbs and start a family. You’re in your forties, dude.

Amanda gets the “death” card, which is all about “digging up those roots and deciding how the future looks for you.” Sounds like Amanda may come to a fork in the road and have to make a decision. That’s ominous.

Jesse’s reading says he may be facing emotional, turbulent times, but he doesn’t have to carry the weight by himself. He needs to open up and let his friends help him. He needs to be more vulnerable. Wow. This lady’s good.

“I had my doubts,” he says, “but that really hit home.”

The psychic moved on to yes-and-no pendulum questions. When Paige asked if she’d get engaged in 2024, the answer was yes. Her next question was “Will my fiancé move to New York?” Once again, the answer is yes.

“Good,” she says, “as he should.” I’ll believe that when I see it. And I can see the psychic lady swinging that pendulum with her hand. Fake!

Carl confesses to Kyle

As everyone’s settling down for the night, Carl says he’s going to the backyard to smoke a cigar. When Kyle joins him, Carl says, “Dude, I’m f*cked … The conversation with my parents, it’s bad.” He still didn’t give Lindsay the entire story. It’s like Danielle said on Watch What Happens Live the other night: Carl’s terrified of Lindsay.

Kyle thinks Carl’s been “sugar-coating” a lot of stuff all summer like he’s trying to soften the blow (because he’s scared of his fiancée).

“There are times when you need to put yourself first,” Kyle says. Kyle may be the boy who won’t grow up, but he’s pretty smart sometimes. “You let anxiety get the best of you today. I could see it … Don’t bottle things up.”

Kyle thinks that if Carl’s mom is concerned about the volatility of Carl and Lindsay’s relationship – especially in light of his new and fragile sobriety – “that says a lot.” Kyle’s had concerns all along (as have we all), but he’s kept them to himself. He does worry that “there’s a lot more that [Carl]’s holding back.”

Carl is interested in being a part of the “sober industry.” He’s looking into retailers who sell only non-alcoholic beverages. He’s excited about it, but he wants Lindsay to “buy into it” also.

Lindsay’s not in favor of the idea and thinks he would be “pigeon-holing” himself.

Another day, another argument

Photo Credit: Eugene Gologursky/Bravo

Lindsay asks Carl how his meeting went earlier, and he says it was good. “They’re actually hiring right now,” he says.

Suddenly he switches gears and says, “I think the Loveryboy thing’s a great idea.” Kyle offered him a job a few weeks back, helping with the new Loverboy Non-Alcoholic line. They should call it “Soberboy.” Call me, Kyle.

Carl’s interested in the new product, and he knows the company.

Lindsay thinks, “It’s kind like going back to an ex, right?” She doesn’t think it’s a good idea, even though Carl’s excited about the opportunity. He just wants support and positivity.

Sadly, Lindsay gets defensive. In the last several months, Lindsay hasn’t been supportive of the things he was interested in pursuing.

“I’m a very realistic, practical person,” she argues. She left out “critical.”

As Lindsay escalates, Carl accuses her of being “defensive,” and calls her “impossible.”

“Don’t make this about you, like you’re the victim,” he adds. Ouch. He’s being very abrasive. He asks for her input, but when she tries to give it to him, he accuses her of throwing up roadblocks.

Lindsay doesn’t understand that Carl is recovering from the life-threatening disease of alcoholism and drug abuse. It killed his brother. He needs time to get well, and he needs support to continue healing. Lindsay just doesn’t get that. She thinks he’s not drinking, so he must be all better now.

What happens on the boat stays on the boat

The housemates have rented a pontoon party boat for the afternoon. This show needs a crossover episode. I’m thinking Summer House Below Deck. Wouldn’t that be fun?

On the boat, Amanda tries to talk to Kyle about wanting to build something for herself. She helped him build his company and fulfill his dreams, now she wants to build something of her own. She assures him she wouldn’t be leaving him at all, just building something on the side.

But of course, Kyle’s insecurity gets in the way, and he feels like she’s pulling away. Rather than supporting her dream, he thinks she “wants to bail.” She explains that she needs to get “re-motivated” by finding something that she’s passionate about.

“I’m telling you right now,” he says, “I need your help more now than ever. And that’s all you need to know.” Wow. That was pretty paternalistic. He all but said, “Because I said so.” Is this 1950? I hope he rethinks that attitude.

“I just told you five times, I’m not leaving [Loverboy],” she says. He’s just not hearing what she’s saying. Maybe she should have waited till he was sober. They’ve been partying all afternoon.

Jesse shares, and Kyle blows up

West notices that Jesse is not himself. He asks, “Are you good? What’s wrong?”

“I’m just f*cking scared,” Jesse admits tearfully.

“Tuesday?” West asks.

“It’s just super real,” Jesse sobs.

 “It’s f*cking huge,” West consoles him. “Of course, you’re scared. Come here. Give me a hug.” West is a good friend.

“I’ve never gotten emotional about it,” Jesse says. “I just want to be healthy.”

Poor Jesse. Someone needs to step up and go with him to the doctor for support. They exchange “I love yous” and head into the house. West promises that if anyone asks why Jesse’s being quiet tonight, he’ll “knock ‘em out.”

Back at the house, Kyle attempts to apologize to Amanda. She accuses him of being selfish, and he loses his sh*t. He stalks out of the house, slamming the front door and smashing a bottle against the side of the house.

In the backyard, Danielle and Carl are shocked at his tantrum. When they ask what’s wrong, he says, “I am done trying to babysit my f*cking wife. She wants to have a passion project, she wants to have purpose, okay cool. You know what I want? I want to be a f*cking DJ. But right now, I’m trying to build a future.”

When Carl tries to calm him down, he rants, “She thinks she works ‘for me?!’ If she worked ‘for me,’ she’d be fired. I’m f*cking done.” Can I just say ALCOHOL?

He didn’t hear anything she said. And once again, the dreaded words, “TO BE CONTINUED.”

Summer House continues Thursdays at 9/8c on Bravo.


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