How does Israel’s detention campaign work?
For every Palestinian Israel freed in the ceasefire deal, it arrested 16 more. Source link #Israels #detention #campaign #work
For every Palestinian Israel freed in the ceasefire deal, it arrested 16 more. Source link #Israels #detention #campaign #work
“We need to ensure that aid continues to flow.” Source link #Gaza #ceasefire #imperative #childrens
With many players vying for power in Syria, the country could face many challenges in the coming years. Sami Al-Arian, is a Palestinian-American political activist who says Syria will face years of instability as different players within and the neighbouring region try to grab power, so Syria’s new leaders must...
“So the Americans have been talking the talk, but they never walk their talk. I mean, they need to link help and aid to Israel to what Israel is doing in Gaza.” International Relations professor Hassan Barari says the US is still unwilling to reign in Israel, even as another...